Students discover technology: Sponsored by Minitube

Children are born inventors, researchers and explorers. It was precisely this open and tech-savvy attitude that could be used in a "Discovering Students Technique" course at a local elementary school which was sponsored by Minitube.

On six afternoons, 18 fourth grade students had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of technology. Supported by trainees of an electrical company, the children were allowed to get to know the safe handling of the soldering iron on the first afternoon. In the course of the six afternoons flashlights and flashing lights could be used to light up and sirens to be triggered.

Children were to be inspired by this project to "make their own technology and craftsmanship," said the non-profit association "TfK - Technology for Children e.V.", which has realized this course. The school acknowledged the aid rendered by Minitube, who supported this project as a sponsor.

With a big smile and a big thank you, the students proudly left the workroom with all their self-soldered technology projects on the last day.
Students discover technology: Sponsored by Minitube