Top research in swine reproduction awarded at AMVEC

The 56th edition of the National Congress of AMVEC (Association of Swine Veterinarians) was held this July in the city of Queretaro, Mexico. The event was dedicated to MVZ Hector Quiles Corona, past president of AMVEC, who received a tribute and recognition during the opening ceremony.

During the event, conferences, workshops and pre-congresses were offered on various topics of interest such as health, nutrition, production, biosecurity and reproduction.

As every year, Minitube was present with its subsidiary in Mexico, Mexitube Alemania, to network with friends and customers.

Mexitube colleague MVZ Yessica Hernandez presented a work done in the Mexitube laboratory entitled "Evaluation of sperm quality by fluorescence staining in boar seminal doses".  Yessica won the prize for the best research work presented in the reproductive field at the event.

The pictures of the event show the Mexitube Alemania team together with customers, friends and important personalities of the swine industry.
Top research in swine reproduction awarded at AMVEC