New equipment for the CTG (Center of Transfer of Genetics) Sinergia in Mexico
During this last month July, our subsidiary Mexitube Alemania had the pleasure to install equipments in the second Center of Transfer of Genetics of the company Sinergia (CTG Sinergia).
The CTG Sinergia is located in La Piedad Michoacán México, which is one of the most traditional areas of pig production in Mexico. Since the year 2005, Sinergia has been supplying farmers with porcine semen and until today, a total of 2.990.563 semen doses have been provided to some 35.000 sows pertaining to 25 members of this company. Sinergia owns 3 boar modules which are well isolated geographically to assure the animals are kept in good biosecurity concerning diseases which could be transmitted through the semen. The total capacity is today 276 males. The company has strict biosecurity rules in place and populates the modules according to the system All in – All out, which has contributed to the fact that in 14 years, they have never been affected by any transmittable disease.
In 2018, Sinergia installed the first CASA system AndroVision® in one of their modules (Las Cañas), along with 2 BoarMatic collection systems and an automatic extender dispensing system consisting of the SmartDispenser with scale, peristaltic pump and 100 liter extender vat. During this last month July 2019, the second module (El Sauz) has been equipped with a similar scope of devices and the operators were trained in the use of these equipments.
Since the very beginning of CTG Sinergia, Mexitube has been its technologic partner, equipping the 3 modules with manual equipments and providing all necessary disposable materials for semen production, accompanied by technical support and routine visits from our technical specialists. They are now changing to new technologies in order to produce semen doses with even higher quality and consistency with the help of Minitube equipments and technical advice.
The team of Mexitube expresses its gratitude to Sinergia, for confidence and trust placed in Minitube and Mexitube since more than 14 years of excellent partnership. We are more than happy and prepared to continue providing the best support and to together assure the excellence of the Sinergia CTGs operation. The technical relationship between Sinergia and Minitube is an important pillar for both companies and oriented to make the best use of the most advanced technologies by merging the experience of technicians of both and benefitting from the reproductive knowledge of the international Minitube team of experts.
The CTG Sinergia is located in La Piedad Michoacán México, which is one of the most traditional areas of pig production in Mexico. Since the year 2005, Sinergia has been supplying farmers with porcine semen and until today, a total of 2.990.563 semen doses have been provided to some 35.000 sows pertaining to 25 members of this company. Sinergia owns 3 boar modules which are well isolated geographically to assure the animals are kept in good biosecurity concerning diseases which could be transmitted through the semen. The total capacity is today 276 males. The company has strict biosecurity rules in place and populates the modules according to the system All in – All out, which has contributed to the fact that in 14 years, they have never been affected by any transmittable disease.
In 2018, Sinergia installed the first CASA system AndroVision® in one of their modules (Las Cañas), along with 2 BoarMatic collection systems and an automatic extender dispensing system consisting of the SmartDispenser with scale, peristaltic pump and 100 liter extender vat. During this last month July 2019, the second module (El Sauz) has been equipped with a similar scope of devices and the operators were trained in the use of these equipments.
Since the very beginning of CTG Sinergia, Mexitube has been its technologic partner, equipping the 3 modules with manual equipments and providing all necessary disposable materials for semen production, accompanied by technical support and routine visits from our technical specialists. They are now changing to new technologies in order to produce semen doses with even higher quality and consistency with the help of Minitube equipments and technical advice.
The team of Mexitube expresses its gratitude to Sinergia, for confidence and trust placed in Minitube and Mexitube since more than 14 years of excellent partnership. We are more than happy and prepared to continue providing the best support and to together assure the excellence of the Sinergia CTGs operation. The technical relationship between Sinergia and Minitube is an important pillar for both companies and oriented to make the best use of the most advanced technologies by merging the experience of technicians of both and benefitting from the reproductive knowledge of the international Minitube team of experts.